The families meet ,
THEY are made to greet ,
THEY are asked to smile ,
stay fake for a while ,
to impress him or her,
gamble with eachother.
THEY are made to talk ,
or go for a short walk..
In worst cases, they can just sit and see ,
predict and wait for whats going to be..
THEY often talk little ,
and interrupted in middle.
The main issue arises..
the Dowry(an EVIL) thing sizes..
"what will you give
if the deal is fixed?"
The answer they get ,
ask for an extra VAT ;
something like car or furniture
or a bike and a television.
And the meeting gets over
and yes THEY still don't know each other.
They all get back to home,relax and think
from both the sides a survey begins..
"Are the families good enough"
"Is the guy earning well"
and the girl," is she pretty enough and a literate"
afterall who'll look after the kids..!
and the week gets over..
They get in touch again after thinking over
Decision is made
next month,the engagement is set;
the main issue comes again,"thoda len den ki baat karlen?"
and THOSE poor two
still wondering with whom they are getting married to..
the marriage date comes..and finally the marriage is done.
No time THEY got for bonding and understanding;
and above it the kids and their handling..!
THEY fight, THEY adjust, THEY live and laugh..
everything occurs BUT where is the love and understanding?
THEY just fullfill their duties pending..
THEIR poor kids see it all and think
why the hell their parents married..
Everyone stays happy and satisfied
EXCEPT the poor THEY who had an arrange marriage..
there are always different ways of doing the same common thing- for example, I made the cheese paratha, jalaebi parantha, allooo anagara etc, SO the point is arrange marriage can b conducted/seen with different point of views- rather than totally being arranged, it could b more like, meet, b freinds, fall in love, develop faith, then get married- ***** chillax
i am against this kind of arrange marriage..what you are talking about can be called love cum arrange..
I don't think there is any person on the planet, with whom u cannot find love, something good is in every1, love is all around. So, arrange marriage is much better than love marriage because it adds the thrill/enthusiasm/excitement because u never know what u would get, just keep ur fingers crossed!
that really sums it up. What a poetic explanation of arranged marriages in a critical and humorous way!
I am also obviously against these kinda "fixed marriages". You need to know and love with whom you are going to spend your whole life with
@ himanshu..
all the best..
@ mayank..
very true..
in arrange marriages- everything is properly arranged like food and stuff, in love marriages both never care about other people+food is not good.
oh i forgot stay nice poem....haaaaaaaaan......wooooow......v got a poet here......clapping every1...applause!!!!!
can't you be serious!!
thank you thank you..
and i favour love-cum-arrange so that the couple can get their love..and people like you can get their food..!
dats true..nd d way u hav put it using a cluster of words is really commendable..keep up d gud work!
thanks a lot :)
Hats off to u dear.........
the poet inside u is sprouting...
well d idea is good........but i think its not practical.
Marriage is not just the meeting of two people.......its about meeting of two families.
N d groom/bride is choosen by our parents........how can we challenge them that u r not doing right for us....afterall nobody can give us better care than d parents on this earth.
N dowry is d diff issue...
hey anu ..first of thanks alot for checking my post and complimenting my skills..thankyou..
and yar..i am not at all against arrange marriage..obviously its impracticle to think half of the worlds population falling in love with thae other half..and everyone is not lucky to chose a right partner at one go..!
i just want to say..the kind of arrange marriage which i have potrayed certainly exists..and to this you'll agree too..
i wana covey..marriages which are turned into business deals..and dowry becomes the main issue..is obviously not a great thing..
PLUS i am not against parents choosing their children's partner..but i am against the very fact..when they are not given the time to know eachother..create an understanding..atleast they should be given chance..so that live happily ever after..they'll get less surprises..:)
Well good poem rikki.I appreciate ur expression of thoughts.But there r many things which u have left behind.According to me, any relationship needs time and space.Yes thats perfectly fine that ur parents decide ur better half but what u can add is give each other time so that trust nd bonding is there between u and ur partner.Before setting the marriage date just request ur parents to give u time so that u both can understand each other and that trust nd most important feel is there. and if not that frankly go nd tell them it can create problem in future....be happy
@ astha...
true true very true...dats wat i wana say...totally agree wd u..
arrange marriges are good..when enough time is given for bonding and understanding..
hey Riks...
no updates?
ya yar..may be after few days..abhi padhai..:)
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