Tuesday, August 31, 2010
And i met her again today..
Friday, May 28, 2010
These days...
Its been long since i have written any post..lots of things are happening continuously and most of them can be called "happening"!!.
The major ones include the end of my MBA 1st year turning me into a half MBA..the scary viva which caused my skin to swell..!
the training..and a little hope for PPO..!!
The first year in JBS was good,with the first trimester tough to handle and the next two super light and comfortable..the decent CGPA and wonderful people around..those uncontrollable laughs and those encouraging lectures..sleepy classes and attendence worries.. those continuous complains about administration and never implemented movie plans..!! The shipra..the fest..the farewell..the friends..
And the super scary viva at the year end which was nothing more than the test of patience due long waits as if teachers got the chance for ragging each one of us legally..(though they always have it..!!) but somehow eachone of us managed it without much hassels..and that RUN for the movie to GIP(a reason to wear different outfits otherthan our UNIFORM!!) after this terrible viva session..
CONFIRMATION for TRAINING and the joining from next day excited me..(specially after seeing ROCKET SINGH a day before)
I was expecting no special attention from our bosses..(bosses..sounds..huhh..!!) but daily reporting and sudden calls "kahan ho" made me feel good and not neglected..!!
The SO Caring "they" untill i realized that it is just the way to get your work done..and i had now entered the world of proffesionalism..where everyone expects too much from you as an MBA..Its a totally practical world where people work as machines with a little emotions(for those who are new..!!)
-I realized nothing is more important than your given Target. -There is no value of time specially when you are trainee. -10 mins are never less than an hour. -If you are not able to perform,you are thretened to be thrown(happened with me..!!) this made me realize..what the pressure is and i entered depressing mode almost for a week..!! and my smile almost faded..its still not in place..!!
-I realized its hard to get people working for you untill you have the authority. -"INSAAN KI ZUBAAN HI SAB KUCH HOTI HAI" IS Useless here..where words have no value..tomorrow means tomorrow that never comes.
-Resoning and explanations are of no importance,only the result matters.
-It becomes really really difficult to trust the people around..every word you say can become an issue so just takecare..and speak with no names involved.
-I have learnt,how to meet and talk to managers(CLIENTS!!).
-I have improved my convincing skills..(BUT FOR THIS FIRST YOU NEED TO CONVINCE YOURSELF).
-I have learnt,if you are from a big company,you are respected.(atleast before you..!)
-I have learnt,people hardly says NO..instead they ignore you..miss you calls..or just go out of town for an undefined period (hahh)!!
-I have learnt..carrying CONFIDENCE is the foremost thing.
-I have learnt sometimes,you start lying not out of choice but by chance (may the fear of the one above you)..BUT THIS CAN BE AVOIDED..if you realize it at the right time.
-I have learnt its no more a difficult thing to travel in buses for 4-5 hours to a new place.
-I have learnt,if you are in the marketing and in field..WEAR SHOES..to run..to keep yourself safe..and walk fast..COVER YOUR FACE..otherwise sun will burn you and people will think,you were always the same..!!
-I have learnt, sometimes you need to go with strangers and put your trust..!!BUT JUST TAKE CARE..!!
I have learnt,it doesnt take a birthday to make you a year older but the stress you feel inside..
- marketing is not about lying and selling..its about maintaining relationships and first believing in your own peroduct..!!
- its not about making false promises but conveying an approximation,if not exact,atleast close.
- its not about making others wait for so long..but informing them the right time.
- its not about cutting the calls or ignoring them but guts to say no but in a right way.
- its about meeing new people and leaving a positive image.
- its about connecting with the world.
TRAINING WAS A WONDERFUL EXPERINCE..it gave me a feel of an employee!! and I have started loving my college more..where i am protected, safe with lots of friends around me.... NEED A BIG TIME BREAK........eeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
(feel like shouting hard..!!)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
dasvidaniya..farewell to our senior batch..
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Feelings...something that can only be felt but can not be expressed completely through words.
Each moment of life adds something to our experience and thus adds to our emotions and feelings..
I,obviously can not put my feelings here and make you feel them but i am writing the instances which makes us FEEL..
when you have something great to share and miss that happy dance with a friend..
when you are alone and lost in sad thoughts and you imagine your friend hugging you..
when your friend says,he is going abroad for few years..you are happy but want to go along..because you fear distance..
when you are awake at night and all your friends have slept..and you really want to talk..
when you are appreaciated in public and you cant stop smiling..!
when your friend is sad and distant,and you really want to prove that you are with him..
when you meet your old group and time runs so fast..
when you really search for some encouragement and motivation..and you dont get one..
when you really expect your loved one to trust you..and it becomes difficult..
when you dont want to hear that small word "bye" and continue forever..
when you badly want to hug your friend sitting next to you,but your mind asks to restrict you without a logic!
when you friends touch your parent's feet and treat them as their parents..
when you desire for importance and you are ignored..
when no one answers and your friend does it correctly making you proud..
when a stranger quickly becomes your friend..and you cant resist that friendship..
when someone questions your self respect and you still want to forgive and continue as before..
when someone desperately asks for your opinion,and when you give one..rejects it!
when someone unexpectedly give you so much of value and importance..
when lovedeone lies to you because you are not that understanding..
when you lie to your lovedone..because you think.he is not understanding..
when your friend stops talking to you and go away without saying a word..
when you dont want to cry in front of someone but you unable to control your tears..
when your crying eyes are taken for granted..
when you miss someone badly..and you get his/her call...and you start believing in coincidences..
when your friend is ready to move the world just to make you smile and at the end you realise,he himself was sad and you didnt notice..
when you give someone blank call just to listen to his/her voice..
when you sit with your loved one and enjoy his company while still keeping quiet..
when you get compliments for your specific features such as eyes,smile etc..
when you play with a little kid and forget your stress..
when your closed one is in pain..and you cant do anything..
when you really want to compliment someone but resist it just to avoid wrong signals..
when you find your childhood friend after long long years..
when someone betrays you and you find hundreds of reasons for not believing this..
when someone takes your genuine reasons as fake accuses..
when someone gifts you exactly what you wanted..
when someone keeps on blaming you and taunt you and you feel helpless..
AND YOUR FAMILY..when it gives you never ending unlimited support and trusts you blindly..
those feelings of jealousy and the feeling of falling in love..
and the ultimate feeling of fear of loosing someone...
THE FEELINGS MAY NEVER END...but this post needs to...
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